Small Sex Toy Storage Box 26 Sold
The Lockable Vibrator Case Medium is a professional and well-constructed case which is designed to lock away your sex toys and adult products in order to keep them safe and hidden from prying eyes.
This vibrator case is designed for use by both men and women, and features a 12 Inch x 4 Inch x 4 Inch size that can easily be placed in a number of areas for discreet use and accommodate a good number of products.
Featuring a lockable design, the Vibrator Case Medium can easily provide a secure method of hiding your adult toys, and can quickly be opened by you and you alone with its keyless locking system. Just don't forget your password guys!
Highly constructed from metal and plastic, and available in colours of black, grey, purple, and pink, it is highly versatile for anyone to use and is perfect for providing a stylish box that can match with your decor for added discretion.